Get on the path to staying injury free and achieving your goals!

Free yoga inspired workshop video series for runners, with Helen Clare

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Sign up to access The Strong Runner series!

Begin your transformational journey

What you'll get inside The Strong Runner

✰ free instant access!

5 x 10 minute videos of yoga inspired movement and conditioning classes, designed specifically to introduce runners to my method of yoga - to stay injury free and achieve your goals

✰ learn

Mini workshop style classes to effectively teach you how this style of yoga can help you avoid injury, get stronger, whilst also increasing mobility and flexibility

✰ strengthen

How to strengthen and protect each area of the body - with a whole-body, approach. Learn and practice sequences to build strength, feel lighter and run faster

✰ protect

Start to move from the 'core' in yoga and running, and connect your core strength to the rest of the body for stability, protection and ease of movement

Sign up to access The Strong Runner series!

Your workshop leader

Hey there, I'm Helen, and I can't wait for you to dive into The Strong Runner videos!

I created these 5 short videos for you to easily make time for, learn about the benefits of this type of yoga, and start feeling them - quickly!

My intention for you, and every runner, is to enjoy running more - because you feel lighter, more graceful and buoyant as you run with more ease, speed and joy!

Helen Clare

Senior Yoga Teacher and Natural Running Coach

Founder of and

By opting into this series you acknowledge full responsibility for your own health and safety at all times and hold Helen Clare Yoga blameless in the unlikely event of any injuries resulting from taking part in these classes. You should be in good health to take part and if you have any concerns, consult a medical professional first.